Subject: GETAJOB: 4 Steps to Get A Job Author: Bruce J. Muckian Uploaded By: BMuckian Date: 4/20/1996 File: GETAJOB.ZIP (258858 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 5437 Needs: An UnZIPing Program Keywords: Muckian, Jobs, Resume, Business, Ebook Type: Shareware Version: 4/18/96 This is an updated version of the electronic book FOUR STEPS to Get The Job YOU Really Want. It includes new material. It contains 50 printable forms that take you step by step through the four essential steps you need to identify your job target, prepare a WINNING Resume and Cover Letter, Network in the Hidden Job Market, and Shine in the Interview to GET THAT JOB! To run, enter: BOOK.EXE Documentation: README.1ST and online documentation Downloads from previous versions: 613